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Unique GPS Set for multipurpose applications

The geo-FENNEL FGS 1 is a robust receiver designed for challenging environments integrated into a compact device that is lightweight and highly portable.

The FGS 1 can track all current working GNSS constellations. By using a unique algorithm it can operate in RTK mode combining all GNSS constellation signals or by using a single GNSS constellation signal such as GLONASS or BeiDou. The strong anti-interference ability of the receiver makes it possible to work in any environment. The FGS 1 integrates a cutting edge GNSS board, Bluetooth®, optional UHF (Rx & Tx) into a compact system. The smart design positions the FGS 1 among the lightest and most compact receivers currently available. The system is open to third party applications and supported by MicroSurvey FieldGenius and Carlson Surv-CE field applications.


  • High speed processing
  • Support for both post-processing and kinematic
  • Processing ability separate or to be combined with GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou
  • Supports downloads & use of precise ephemeris
  • Generation of various reports
  • User friendly


  • Signal Tracking
  • 256 channels with simultaneously tracked satellite signals : - GPS L1 C/A, L1/L2P, L5
    - GLONASS L1/L2
    - BeiDou B1, B2, B3
    - Galileo Yes, but not activated
  • Performance Specifications
  • Cold start : <50s
  • Warm start : <30s
  • Initialization time typically : <10s
  • Initialization reliability typically : >99,9%
  • Signal reacquisition : <2s
  • Positioning Specifications
  • Post processing static : - horizontal 2,5 mm + 0,5 ppm RMS
    - vertical : 5,0 mm + 0,5 ppm RMS
  • Real time kinematic 
    - horizontal : 10 mm + 0,5 ppm RMS
    - vertical : 20 mm + 0,5 ppm RMS
  • E-RTK (<100 km) : - horizontal : 0,20 m + 1 ppm RMS
    - vertical : 0,40 m + 1 ppm RMS

    Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Penjualan, Sewa, Service & Kalibrasi Alat-alat Survey dan Pemetaan.

    Kami melayani wilayah/ kota besar di Indonesia : Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor, Bekasi, Depok, Karawang, Purwakarta, Bandung, Palembang, Lampung, Bengkulu, Jambi, Padang, Pekanbaru, Bangka Belitung, Riau, Pangkal Pinang, Medan, Batam, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Maluku, Manado, Gorontalo, Surabaya, Bali, Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, JawaTimur, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Papua

    Informasi Lengkap Harga & Pembelian Hubungi
    Nata Sukmaja
    Tlp&WA : 081282535818
    email : 4stars.equipments@gmail.com

Labels: GPS Geodetik, GPS Geodetik / GNSS QEO FENNEL FGS 1

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